Sunday 30 December 2012


Advertisement, banner, ads,pop-up and more is one of the biggest weapon in business to promote their product. The function of the advertisement is to attract the attention of people to know our product.

Advertisement are very important in nowadays. The first thing to do to promote our by using advertisement.It been use by all people, young or old, poor or rich. Advertisement are one of the way to give the massage to others.That the reason, we must made a good advertisement.

Some product product are really make people desperate to buy it. So, their published it at the social network, internet and any popular website to promote. It's the easier way to do it. Facebook one of the famous social network, so people can promote it easily. 

Saturday 29 December 2012


 Nowadays, Internet has play a big role in our lives and we can say that the use of internet in our world wide are widespread.  The use of the Internet involving all ages especially the youth. the youth use the internet more than 50% of their day. Statistic shows that youth spend their time to online, IM and get news from internet. 

Other then internet, TVs are important to people nowadays. TVs are their entertainment and information BOX. 

Social Media also one of most important to all people. Because using the social media, their can connect to other people.

From this fact, a lot of agency can do their advertising, Their can attract people who using the internet. The advertisement are place at any websites . Some advertisement are real..,but some of them are fake and a like. TVs also have a lot of video advertisement to let people know about them....

Thursday 27 December 2012


Are you smoking? If you don't, please don't start....or need to buy a lot of no-smoking sign.
Smoking is something bad (everyone know, even the smoker know) STOP or DIE!

I figured SOMETHING to prevent smoking by using traffic light characteristic...

Using the RED color as the symbol for you to STOP...put in the every corner of home and office also in the car.

If you have a wife or girlfriend give something hard metal like baseball bat...or give it to your best friend or someone close...then say to them.."if I start SMOKING...beat me"

We can see no smoking sign at public place..but not at our private about we use the sign
to prevent smoking...

HERE are the mind map that I make for this TOPIC

Tuesday 25 December 2012


Definition: A placing or being placed in nearness or contiguity, or side by side; as a juxtaposition of words
The act of juxtaposing is to place two objects or word next to each other. When 2 things put side by side, your brain try to figure what is the relationship between these two?
What automatically happens is that there is transference of meaning. Usually from something familiar to
Something less familiar.    (what is the relationship? Or the Meaning Or the similarities?)
CONFLICT between LEFT BRAIN and RIGHT BRAIN  happens….
This is a little bit about Juxtaposition...
Let be creative using Juxtaposition...
flower + root

Lighting + wind

dog + tree




I will write a passage about...Light to describe LIFE

Life is like light,
Sometime it make our life bright,
Sometime it gone,
We really need light to stay alive,
Light help us to reach our victory,
It will gone if we blow it.


Pain is like ice cream,
Ice cream will melt if we put it high temperature,
Pain will hurt more if put it in "high temperature",
Ice cream will freeze if put it in low temperature,
Pain will reduce when put in "low temperature".


You and me are like mortar and pestle,

You are like pestle,

I liked mortar,

Without you I can't be use.

Sunday 9 December 2012

What can u do?

 If you have this thing? What you want to do..
mortar and pestle
Before that, what is mortar and pestle ?
What is this mortar and pestle function ? 

It is a "TRADITIONAL BLENDER" that people that live a long year ago and still been use until today..
It function is the same thing as used to mashed up the cooking ingredient.

let continues...

change the use of mortar and pestle...


It really useful for making PAIN!!

If some made you feel so "AARRRRGGHH!!" you take this mortar and pestle and beat them at the HEAD!
then, at the HAND!! Their BODY!! Lastly....................FOOT!!
Confirm it hurt and painful.

Sunday 2 December 2012

MIND Map...

A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches.
Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items related to a central key word or idea

From Wikipedia...

Do you think this mind map is fun for u to learn something?

FUN to read it?

To me mind map is about picture in the mind...
when said a CAT...what you imagine in your mind?
a WORD or a IMAGE?

mind map are very useful in present some ideas or describing.

Ahmad Izzat full of dream

full of image...

to make people understand are very important...
to make people have fun when we present are also important...

Saturday 17 November 2012


Do you believe tablet will replaced computer in the future?
I do...i do believe...
People now day like the easy way to do their work. Does't not like to bring heavy laptop to work for make their job done...right?

Innovation are moving too fast. When the new product release, after a month there will be another product release from same or different company. So, if we want to be a innovator we need to move forward and come with a lot of brilliant ideas.
one man thousand ideas

We can see now day, Apple and Samsung are compete each other with their products. Creating Tablet and Ipad. Samsung Galaxy and Iphone. A lot of new products, there are no possible one in future people will replace laptop and computer with tablet and ipad.

who will win?

Friday 16 November 2012

I want this...

When wanted to create something that need creativity, we need a suitable environment.

First at all, I need internet connection as my reference. It easy for me to Google any idea but not for me to copy idea. Just as a references.

For places, it depends on us. For me, I would like to work in studio by my own. Alone, no one can disturb. For some other guy, maybe their wanted to inspire by outside environment

maybe we prefer this studio

OR maybe some place liked this will inspire you with a lot of ideas that can make you CREATIVE!!

nice view...



Everyone wanted get idea to create or innovate something easy and smooth…right? Liked POP! IDEA!
Like this video…

Sometime ideas come anytime and everywhere…but when wanted to write down.
We forget. It often happened to us right. What I want is ideas recorder that can record our idea wherever it are. Not just environment.

More, maybe help, maybe not. A friend to company. That can help us to get some clue of idea or idea that we can expand more. Who said friend is disturbing? Sometimes, there are useful.

Sunday 4 November 2012

This is not creative!

NOW is for 5 WORD does not associate to creativity.

From the word we can know that if we creating something same or similar as existing product, that not creative. That what we call illegal COPY.

If we are creative person we will not creating a boring stuff and un-function product. For boring is not for creative.

Creative person will create something good and useful and not useless. Because useless just to not for creativity.

Do you think normal is a correct word to describe creativity? I don’t think so. Because creative is something non-ordinary and it is not normal.

normal..are you kidding me?

What I mean by fail is, if we create something that we think it creative but we fail to make people understand. To me, that not creative. That fails. 

Saturday 3 November 2012

Wow! Creative baby!

창조적 안녕하세요! (hello creative!)

Now… It time for creativity! Hahaha!
Today I want to share with what my opinion about creativity…
What will think about CREATIVITY? What  word can describe CREATIVITY?

This what I think about creativity….


 When talk about creative of course we are talking different of two different things.
If we copy a product with 100% same…is that we call creative. But if we create some innovation from existing products and of cause it has the different. That what we call CREATIVITY…

NOT all people can think creatively. BUT everyone can be creative. So, what I think. People who can create something creative are an intelligent person. Creativity beyond intelligent.

Creativity Beyond Intelligent

Innovation it mean make something DIFFERENT from existing thing to make it new product.

So…for sure if we want to make an innovation we need to creative J

 Ideas are not easy get excellent idea. It difficult but you kind of person who is really smart and creative, ideas can in nowhere.


When creating something creative of cause it will interest because it something new and different. That why creativity is something interesting.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Small,Red and...?

Do you know what is this??
It a whole at the centre...look like can plug-in something.

One of my lecturer said this thing maybe rudeness point finger because if we cover at the finger and point to people it become less rude….are you sure about mr.lecturer?

This “red stuff” here looks liked pacifier holder... do you think?
But it also can be used for others… MAYBE….
Let have a try…

HAAAAA!!!! I know it can be a golf ball tee...
imagine this...

change to...

that nice....

Maybe it can be a MINI VASE!

soo cuteee..... :)


Tuesday 23 October 2012

Why did the Titanic hit the iceberg?

What do you think about this topic? Why the titanic hit the iceberg? The maximum number of people the Titanic could carry is 3,547 and the number of people aboard (passengers and crew) is 2,223. If there are 2,223 people in the ship, that mean there are 4,446 eyes… Why the RMs titanic still hit the iceberg? Are all of them are blind? Or… their too preoccupied with love liked Jack and Rose? Dancing and chasing everywhere…I jump you jump…having their endless kissing. Until does not noticed there are big iceberg heading the ship?? What do you think about the titanic crew? Are there sleep or unstoppable enjoying themselves until forget about their work?

toooooo sleepyyyyyy

THIS want I think why the titanic hit the iceberg…easy…because the titanic does not have brake. How can the titanic stop? It a ship…not a car. Even thought car hit a tree when it brake. Imagine the titanic have a brake. If you watch the movie, one of the crew saw the iceberg and it almost there. The yell at the captain to warn him about the iceberg “Captain!!Iceberg!! We need to turn!!”  Imagine if the titanic have brake. He will say “Captain…there are iceberg. Be careful” . No need to yell.
